How are page key values assigned?

Any of the following definitions can be used as the value of the page key item:

  • By default, the RefName of the study form.
  • If the RefName of the study form contains a double underscore (for example, Hema__21), the value that follows the double underscore.
  • The Page Key Value custom property for the study form. If a value is specified for the Page Key Value custom property, that value overrides the page key value formed from all or a part of the RefName.

The resulting page key value must conform to the specifications of the data series for the page key item in the context panel:

  • The data type must convert to a compatible data type.
  • The length must be within the length specified in the DB Format Length CIS custom property.
  • If the data type of the data series is float, the precision must be within the precision specified in the DB Format Float Precision CIS custom property.

For example, validation fails if:

  • The page key value is First but the page key item has a type of Integer.
  • The page key value is 99 but the page key item has a Length of 1.