How are units of measurement mapped?

When an integer or float item that has data collected in multiple units is added to a data series in a mapping, the Item has units dialog box appears, prompting you to choose the data value to map to the data series.

You have the following options:

Option Description
Normalized Value Map the normalized value of the item with the data series. Normalization is the process of converting data to a required format. The normalized units appear in parentheses.
Entered Value Map the entered value of the item with the data series. The entered value can be the same as or different from the normalized value.
Entered Unit Map the unit in which a value is entered.

For example, a Weight item appears on three forms. Two forms collect the weight value in kilograms, and one form collects the weight value in pounds. The Weight items are normalized to kilograms.

Values collected or mapped Source Values in data series
Values collected for the Weight items

Form 1

Form 2

Form 3

75 kg

155 lb

62 kg

Normalized values mapped to a data series

Form 1

Form 2

Form 3




Entered values mapped to a data series

Form 1

Form 2

Form 3




Entered units mapped to a data series

Form 1

Form 2

Form 3


