How can I map each drop-out reason to a separate CDD column?

If you are implementing a Customer-defined Database (CDD), and, for example, want to map each drop-out reason to a separate CDD column, we recommend that you consider using one of the following designs:

  • Create a compound item—Create a compound item in which the No response to the study completion status question has multiple-selection child items for each drop-out reason. The compound item and its child items do not have a value for the Special Fields custom property.
  • Create a hidden Yes No item—Create a hidden item with a codelist that has Yes and No codelist items.

    Custom properties:

    • Item—Special Fields property value is Completion status (Study Completion).
    • Yes codelist item—Study Completion Status Items value is Complete Study (Study Completion).
    • No codelist item—Study Completion Status Items value is Incomplete Study (Study Completion).
  • Create a hidden item—Create a hidden item with a codelist in which each codelist item corresponds to a child item in No response of the visible compound item.

    Custom property:

    • Item—Special Fields property value is Drop out reason (Study Completion).
  • Create calculation rules—Create calculation rules that map:
    • The Yes response in the compound item to the Yes codelist item in the hidden Yes No item.
    • The No response in the compound item to the No codelist item in the hidden Yes No item.
    • The selected child item in the No response of the compound item to the corresponding codelist item in the hidden Reason for noncompletion item.


    Because the compound item allows multiple selections, and the hidden item requires a single selection, the rule must contain logic that prioritizes the noncompletion reason to select in the hidden item if multiple reasons are selected in the compound item.
  • Create a CDD mapping—In a CDD mapping, map each child item in the compound item to a different data series. Each data series maps to a separate CDD column.