How does Oracle Central Designer process data series with unmapped items and without items?

A data series can have mapped items, unmapped items, or no items.

When generating CIS data mappings, the Oracle Central Designer application processes data series with unmapped items and data series with no items as follows:

  • Unmapped items—The Oracle Central Designer application generates the panel mappings for the data set where the data series is created. The item mappings for the panel have no control path specifications.
  • No items—The Oracle Central Designer application does not generate mappings for the data series. If none of the data series for a data set have any items, the Oracle Central Designer application does not generate a panel mapping for the data set. However, note the following exceptions:
    • Enrollment panel—The Oracle Central Designer application always generates mappings for the Clintrial enrollment panel. If a data set for a custom enrollment panel does not exist, the enrollment panel mappings are made up of:
      • The items in the combined screening and enrollment forms in the study design, if they exist.
      • The items in the combined default screening and enrollment forms generated by the Oracle Central Designer application, if the forms are not defined in the study design.
    • Non-patient data panel—If a data set has a Panel Type property value of Non-Patient Data, the data series have no items by definition. The Oracle Central Designer application generates mappings for a non-patient data panel and does not generate item mappings.
    • Derived item—If a data series in the data set has a Derived property value of True, the Oracle Central Designer application generates an item mapping with no control path.