I can't delete an object

This can happen if:

  • The object is protected, or is the child of a protected object.

    Review the object's protected status and try again.

  • The object is an item that is used in a dynamic grid section. (If you try to delete an item that is used in a dynamic grid section, an error appears and tells you why you can't delete the item.)

    Remove the item from the dynamic grid section, and then try again to delete it from the form.

  • The object is a visit, form, or section that is used in a dynamic grid section.

    Remove the item from the dynamic grid section, and then try again to delete it from the form.

  • The object is a child of an item that is used in a dynamic grid section.

    Remove the item from the dynamic grid section, and then try again to delete it from the form.

  • The object is conditional on an item that is used in a dynamic grid section.

    Remove the item from the dynamic grid section, and then try again to delete it from the form.