Import the data mappings into Oracle Central Designer

Follow these steps to import the Oracle Argus Safety data mappings, data series, and data sets into your Oracle InForm study using Oracle Central Designer.

Prerequisite: the Job Scheduler must be running.

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Study Information (Study Information button) button.
  2. In the Project Explorer, right-click the study you want to add the data mappings to and select Import Study.
  3. Click Next to start the Oracle Central Designer Import Wizard.
  4. On the Import Type page, select Import CSML or ODM file and click Next.
  5. Browse to where you downloaded the SafetyLogicalSchemaLibrary.csml file containing the data mappings, select it, and click Open.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Complete the remaining pages of the Oracle Central Designer Import Wizard. Click Next after you finish filling in each page.
  8. On the final page of the Oracle Central Designer Import Wizard, click Finish.

    If you are importing a CSML file containing study objects for a system that is not selected as a Deployment System for the study or library, a message appears. Continue with the import, and select all the systems in the CSML file as Deployment Systems. If you choose this option, continue to the next step.

    A message pops up in the lower-right corner when the job starts and completes.

  9. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Data Mappings (Data Mappings button) button.
  10. To verify that the safety data mappings have been imported and installed, in the Project Explorer open the InForm Mappings folder, then open the CDD folder.
  11. Expand the SafetyLogicalSchema data mappings to see that the predefined data series and data sets are there.

Import Wizard options - CSML or ODM file

Page Option Description
Welcome - Introduction page.
Import Type - Select the source of the data to import.
- Import CSML or ODM file Generate study objects from a file in CSML or ODM format.
- Harvest Oracle InForm Resources Generate study objects from the components of an Oracle InForm study.
File Location Path of file to import Specify the path of the CSML or ODM import file, or click Browse to locate the import file.
Study Administration Import Mode - This page appears only for the CSML import type, if the CSML file contains study administration objects.
- Import study objects and administration data. Import both study objects and study administration objects.
- Import administration data only. Import only study administration objects.
- Import study objects only. Import only study objects.
Rule Import Mode Rule Import Mode Only the Import as Collaboration Notes option is supported. With this option, each imported rule is converted to a collaboration note in the Oracle Central Designer application.

Note: This option applies only if the Import Type is ODM; if the Import Type is CSML, the import process creates a Oracle Central Designer rule for each imported rule.

IPR Import Mode Import IPR data

Select whether to import in-place revision objects.

Note: This page appears only if the file contains in-place revision objects.

Ready to Import Data to Central Designer - View a summary of the import options selected in the wizard.