IPR Configuration dialog box

Use the IPR Configuration dialog box to configure the settings of an in-place revision.

The dialog box is read-only if you do not have the right to make in-place revisions, or if the object or in-place revision is locked or protected.

Option Description
Description of the change Description of the change. Optional.
Add Open the Add Deployment Instance dialog box to add a deployment instance.
Remove Remove the selected deployment instance.
Refresh Versions Retrieve the latest study version information for the selected deployment instance.
Apply to All Apply a change to all study versions.
Copy Association Open the Copy IPR Configurations dialog box to copy the in-place revision association from the selected deployment instance to another deployment instance.
View Differences Open the View Differences dialog box to compare the latest version of the object with the object from a selected study version.
Columns (Select a deployment instance section, at the top of the dialog box) -
Deployment Instance RefName of the deployment instance.
Type Server type for the deployment instance:
  • UAT—User acceptance testing
  • QA—Quality assurance
  • DEV—Development
  • LIVE—Production
  • TRN—Training
Description Description of the deployment instance.
URL URL address of the deployment instance.
Columns (Select study versions section, at the bottom of the dialog box) -
Checkbox When selected, associates the change to the study version on that row.
Oracle InForm Study Version Oracle InForm study version.
Deployed Indicates whether the study version was deployed to Oracle InForm.