Layout tab options and deployment to the Oracle InForm application

The following table lists the options that are available in the right-click menus, toolbar, and form and control styles for the Layout tab. The table describes the effect of each option when the study objects are deployed in the Oracle InForm application.

Option Sub-option Deployment in the InForm application
Align Caption Left, Right, Top, or Bottom Specifies the position of the caption relative to the control. Corresponds to the Caption Alignment property.
Align Question
  • Left, Center, or Right
  • Top, Middle, or Bottom
Control Type
  • Radio Button
  • Pulldown
For codelist items:
  • Radio control
  • Pulldown control
For units:
  • Specifies how unit selections are displayed. Corresponds to the Unit Display Type property. If an item definition has only one unit with no conversion units, the Unit Display Type property has a value of Element.
Edit Caption - Specifies the text of the caption that appears with the control. Corresponds to the Caption property.
Edit Textbox Size - For text controls:
  • Width—Specifies the number of characters that can be entered into a text box with the data type of Text. Corresponds to the Length property of a text box control.
  • Height—Specifies the number of lines displayed in a text box. Corresponds to the Height property of a text box control.
For integer controls:
  • Number of characters that can be entered into a text box with a data type of Integer. Corresponds to the Length property of an integer text control.
For float controls:
  • Number of characters that can be entered into a text box with a data type of Float. Corresponds to the Length plus the Precision properties of a float text control, plus the decimal point.
Edit Question - Question text. Corresponds to the Question property of an item.
Edit Question Column Width - Width of the question column. Corresponds to the Question Width property.
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
Specifies how the controls included as children of the grouped control are oriented. Corresponds to the Layout property.
Section Header - Form or section title. Corresponds to the Title property of a form or section.
Section Note - Specifies the text of a note that appears immediately below a form or section heading. Corresponds to the Note property of a form or section.
Preview Annotated Form - N/A
Preview Form - N/A
Reset - N/A
Remove Caption - N/A
IPR Configuration - Opens the IPR Configuration dialog box so that you can specify a change as an in-place revision.


This button only appears when you access the Layout tab for a form through the Visit Schedule Explorer bar.