Map a form to multiple dynamic grids

You might have an Adverse Event form that points to two or more dynamic grids; for example, the Safety Case Adverse Event dynamic grid and a Medical History dynamic grid. To instruct Oracle InForm Publisher on what exact instances to pull from:
  1. For each dataset associated with each dynamic grid, select the dataset you need to map to two or more dynamic grids.
  2. Under that dataset, add a data series with the alias InclusionTargets.
  3. Right-click on the InclusionTargets data series and select Properties.
  4. In the Data Series Properties dialog box, create an identifier in the RefName field with the prefix InclusionTargets_. For example, InclusionTargets_MedHx. Click OK.
  5. Map each dynamic grid you wish to select instances from to the InclusionTarget data series.


When mapping a target, Oracle Central Designer and Oracle InForm will include all instances of a column if it exists in multiple dynamic grids. To narrow the selection to the specific dynamic grids that you need when using InclusionTargets, make each dynamic grid unique by adding a column exclusive to that dynamic grid which will be the item mapped to the InclusionTargets data series.

For more information, on creating a dynamic grid, see Create a section (dynamic grid) to collect related data.