Mapping Editor—Field descriptions

Field Description
Grid section -
Title Name of the data set.
Description Description of the data set.
Alias Alias for the data set. If an alias is present, it is used as the CDD table name in CDD mappings and as the Clintrial panel name in CIS mappings. If an alias is not present, the RefName is used as the column header. Because RefNames must be unique throughout a study, you must create an alias if the RefName is used by another study object. Data set aliases must be unique within a mapping.


Checking for RefName and alias uniqueness is case insensitive; for example, the names BP and bp are considered identical.
Standard Dimensions section In this section, you view the standard data dimensions that were selected when the data set was created.
Study RefName of the study.
Subject Subject ID.
Section RefName of the section.
Section Index Instance of a repeating section.
Event RefName of the study event.
Event Index Instance of a repeating study event.
Form RefName of the form.
Form Index Instance of a repeating form.
Item RefName of the item.
Custom Dimensions section In this section, you view the custom data dimensions, if any, for the data set.
Name Name of the custom dimension for the selected data set.
Description Description of the custom dimension created with the selected data set.
Data Type

Data type of the custom dimension created with the selected data set.

The following types are available:

  • Text—Contains alphanumeric characters.
  • Integer—Contains only numbers.
Codelist Lookup Click the button to choose or create a codelist to use for the custom data dimension labels.


The Standard Dimensions and Custom Dimensions sections are read-only.