(Optional) Create a custom data series

In addition to the predefined data series in the SafetyLogicalSchema data mapping, you can add custom data series to the following data sets:

  • Safety_Case
  • Subject
  • Subject_AdverseEvent

Custom data series support transmitting data collected in Oracle InForm to custom fields in Oracle Argus Safety.

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Forms and Transactions (Forms and Transactions button) button, and expand the InForm folder and the Forms folder, if necessary.
  2. Expand a data mapping folder, right-click a data mapping, and select New Data Series.
  3. Fill in the fields. Title and RefName are required. Description and Alias are optional.
    If specified, the alias is used as the Clintrial item name in CIS mappings. If not, the RefName is used as the column header. Because RefNames must be unique throughout a study, you must create an alias if the RefName is used by a study object. Data series aliases must be unique within a data set. For more information, see What alias names should i use when creating custom data series?
  4. From the Type drop-down list, select the data type for the series.
    The data types of an item and data series must be compatible for you to add the item to the data series.
  5. Click OK.


  • The RefName and Title are user-defined. We recommend that you use a naming convention that is similar to the names of other data series in the data set.
  • The index numbers must be unique within each data set. For example, in the Subject data set, you can create Cust_General_Str_1 and Cust_General_Num_2, but you cannot create Cust_General_Str_1 and Cust_General_Num_1.
  • The alias must match the user-defined field to be populated in Argus Safety. Use the naming convention in What alias names should i use when creating custom data series?. For example, to populate custom string field 1 on the General tab of Argus Safety, map a custom data series in the Safety_Case data set using the alias Cust_General_Str_1.