Results of modifying study objects that have been copied to studies and libraries

After you add a study object from a library to a library using the Libraries tab:

The following table describes the results of modifying a study object after you drag the study object from the Libraries tab to a study or library.


In the following sections, the library or study that contains the study object is the source location. The library or study to which you are adding a study object is the target location.
Action Result Example
If you modify the study object or one of its children in the source location and drag the modified study object objects to the target location:
You are prompted to choose one of the following:
  • Update the study object in the target location.

    If you choose this option, the study object and any modified children are updated, but unchanged study objects are not updated.

  • Create a link to the updated study object and its children in the target location.

    If you choose this option, a new RefName is created for the study object in the target location.

After you add a form from LibraryA to LibraryB using the Libraries tab, if you modify the form or one of its items in LibraryA and drag the modified form or item to LibraryB, you are prompted to choose one of the options described above.
If you modify the study object in the target location and then drag the study object to the source location:
You are prompted to choose one of the following:
  • Update the study object in the source location.
  • Create a link to the modified study object.
After you add a form from LibraryA to LibraryB using the Libraries tab, if you modify the form in LibraryB and then drag the form to LibraryA, you are prompted to choose one of the options described above.

After you add a study object from a library to a study or from a study to a library using the Libraries tab:

Action Result Example
If you create a new study object in the target location and drag a child of the original study object to the new study object: The two child study objects in the target location are automatically linked After you add FormA from a library to a study using the Libraries Browser, if you create FormB in the study and drag ItemA (a child of FormA) to FormB using the Libraries tab, ItemA on FormA and ItemA on FormB are automatically linked in the study.
If you modify the original study object in the source location and then drag it to the same parent in the target location:
You are prompted with the following two options:
  • Update the study object and its children in the target location.

    The study object and any modified children are updated to the study object that you previously added. Unchanged study objects are not updated.

  • Cancel adding the original study object and its children to the target location.
After you add FormA from a library to EventA in a study using the Libraries tab, if you modify FormA in the library and then drag it again to EventA in the study, you are prompted to choose one of the options described above.
If you modify the original study object in the source location and then drag it to a different parent (that does not already contain the study object) in the target location:
You are prompted with the following two options:
  • Update the study object and its children in the target location.

    The study object and any modified children are linked to the study object in the target location, and the study object in the target location is updated.

  • Cancel adding the original study object and its children to the target location.
After you add FormA from a library to EventA in a study using the Libraries tab, if you modify FormA in the library and then drag it to EventB (which does not yet contain FormA), you are prompted with the options described above.
If you modify one or more children of the study object in the source location and then drag the study object to the target location:
You are prompted with the following two options:
  • Update the children in the target location.

    The child study objects that were modified are updated in the target location.

  • Cancel adding the original study object and its children to the target location.
After you add FormA from a library to a study using the Libraries tab, if you modify one or more items on FormA in the library and then copy FormA to the study again, you are prompted with the options described above.
If you drag the study object that you already added to the same parent in the target location: You receive a message indicating that the study object cannot be added to the same parent more than once if the study object has not been updated. After you add FormA from a library to a study using the Libraries tab, if you have not modified FormA and try to add FormA to the study again using the Libraries tab, a message appears, indicating that the study object cannot be added to the parent more than once if the study object has not been updated.


  • If you create a study object in the source location, add it to a target location, and then drag the study object back to the source location without modifying the study object in the target location, you are asked if you want to update the study object.
  • For example, if you create a study object in LocationA (either a study or library), copy it to LocationB (either a study or library), and then drag the study object from LocationB back to LocationA without modifying it in LocationB, you are asked if you want to overwrite the study object in LocationA or cancel. If you updated the study object in LocationA and you choose to overwrite, you lose the changes when the study object from LocationB is added to LocationA.
  • If you add a study object to a study from a library, copy and paste the study object within the study, and then add the study object from the library to the study again, none of the copies is updated.
  • The RefNames of study objects are never updated when a study object is updated.
  • You cannot use the Libraries tab to create multiple copies of a study object within a target location. Use the Copy option to create multiple copies of a study object within a study or library.
  • To determine whether a study object is a link or a copy of another study object, check the Identifier field in the Properties tab. If the identifiers are identical, the study objects are links; otherwise, they are copies.