Review State editor—Option descriptions

Field Description

RefName, Title, Description

RefName, title, and description of the review state.

In a study, review state RefNames must be unique. In a library, duplicate RefNames are allowed.


If selected, indicates that the review state is visible in the Oracle InForm application.


Number of the review state, indicating the order in which the review state is displayed in the Oracle InForm user interface. You can define a maximum of five review states for a study. In a library, the number of review states is unlimited.

English (United States), Japanese (Japan)

Oracle InForm product locales. Each tab contains the locale-specific names for the review state and each of its three stages.

The Label and Mnemonic fields for the review state and each review stage are required for each Oracle InForm product locale (English and Japanese). If a required value is missing in a product locale tab, the value from the other locale (if it is defined) appears in the field in red, and an icon appears in the tab to indicate that translation is required. Study validation also checks for missing translated values. Because both English and Japanese locales are always required for review states, the study definition does not need to have the Japanese locale selected, and you do not need the Japanese language skill to translate the review state fields.


Name for the review state, which appears in hover Help and drop-down lists in the Oracle InForm application.


Abbreviated name for the review state, which appears in column headings in the Data Viewer of the Oracle InForm application.

Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3

Indicates the stage for which to specify the name, label, and mnemonic. You must create three review stages for each review state.


RefName of the review stage. Each RefName must be unique within its review state.


Name for the review stage, which appears in hover Help and drop-down lists in the Oracle InForm application.


Abbreviated name for the review stage, which appears in column headings in the Data Viewer of the Oracle InForm application.