Rule Wizard—Option descriptions

The Rule Wizard provides a simple interface for creating data-entry rules, including specifying the type of rule, preconditions, expression, and actions.

Navigate through the wizard using:

  • The tabs at the top of the wizard.
  • The Next button.
  • The links in the Rule Summary section.

The Rule Wizard has the following tabs.

Quick Start tab

In the Quick Start tab, you choose the type of rule to create.


The tab appears when you create a rule but not when you view an existing rule.
Option Description
Intrinsic Rule An intrinsic rule is a constraint rule or calculation rule based on a predefined rule template. Rule templates can be created for constraint rules and calculation rules. If no rule templates have been defined for the selected study object, then you cannot create an intrinsic rule for the study object.
Constraint Rule A constraint rule checks whether data is valid.
Calculation Rule A calculation rule sets the value of an item based on a calculation.

Properties tab

In the Properties tab, you provide a name and a brief description for the rule.

Option Description
Name The name of the rule:
  • Cannot contain spaces.
  • Must begin with a letter and can contain letters, numbers, and underscores (_) but no other special characters.
  • Must be no longer than 63 characters.
  • Must be unique for the study object. For example, you can create a rule called rulCalcBMI on a form and an item, but you cannot create two rulCalcBMI rules on two different forms.
Description Description of the rule. The Description field can contain a description of the rule or the formal specification that is used by the actual rule developer. The limit is 2000 characters.

Preconditions tab

In the Preconditions tab, you select from the options in the Evaluate on Event drop-down list to specify when the rule will be evaluated.

Options Description
Evaluate on Event Event that causes the rule to execute:
  • On demand (batch mode)—Rule is validated and deployed to the Oracle InForm application with a deactivated status, so the rule does not run in the Oracle InForm application.
  • Form submission—Rule runs on form submission. The Oracle InForm application uses the study objects on which the rule depends to determine rule dependencies and the form that causes the rule to run.
Select the rules which should execute before this rule Reserved for future use.
Execute this rule only if the following expression is true Reserved for future use.

Expression tab

The Expression tab has two views, one for creating an intrinsic rule and another for creating a calculation or constraint rule.

Option Description
Expression workspace (Read-only for intrinsic rules) Provide the expression of the rule.
Parameters section (Visible only for intrinsic rules) Provide the parameters for the function.
Data Mappings tab Lists:
  • RefNames of the data mappings, data sets, and data series in the study or library.
  • Rule model properties for data series.

    A data series has the properties of the item that is mapped to it. If a data series contains an item that collects more than one value, the rule model properties for repeating study objects appear so you can access an array of all of the values of the item.

  • Methods for data sets.

    A method appears if you select the corresponding standard data dimension of the data set. You can use data set methods to return a subset of the data in the data set.

  • Study events, forms, sections, and items that are mapped to each data set.
  • Study objects appear if you select the corresponding standard data dimension of the data set. The properties of the study objects are used as parameters of data set methods.
Constants tab Lists constants created in the study and the libraries that appear in the Libraries List in the Study Editor. Any rule in the study can reference a constant.
Functions tab Lists functions registered in a study and the libraries that appear in the Libraries List in the Study Editor. Any rule in the study can reference a function.


This tab does not appear for intrinsic rules.
Data tab Lists study objects in the scope of the rule. Optionally, to view the rule model properties of all of the study objects, select Show all.

Actions tab

In the Actions tab, you specify the action, or actions, that occur as a result of executing the rule.

Options Description
Add Action button Add an action to the rule.


Click the Add Action button after defining an action only if you need to add another action.
Delete Action button Delete the action selected in the Actions grid.
Grid -
Fire Event Event that causes the action to occur. You select the event in the If The Value Is section.
Actions Action that occurs.
If the value is section -
False If the rule calculates a False value, the action occurs.
Always (Default for calculation rules) The action always occurs.
True If the rule calculates a True value, the action occurs.
Only if no other action executes The action occurs only if no other action occurs. Select this option only if you define at least two actions.
Values to specify
  • Equals—If the rule calculates a value that is equal to the provided value, the action occurs.
  • Not Equals—If the rule calculates a value that is not equal to the provided value, the action occurs.
  • Less Than—If the rule calculates a value that is less than the provided value, the action occurs.
  • Greater Than—If the rule calculates a value that is greater than the provided value, the action occurs.
  • Between—If the rule calculates a value that is between the provided values, the action occurs.


You can include string values in the Equals and Not Equals fields. Enclose the string in double quotes. For example, "text".
(Inclusive) checkbox Select this option to make the number comparisons inclusive. For example, Less Than becomes Less Than or Equal To.
Execute these actions grid -
Action Available actions.


Actions appear after you select the event that causes the rule to execute.

Rule Summary section

As you create a rule, the Rule Summary reflects the structure of the rule, including precondition, action, and expression information. Click a link in the Rule Summary to navigate through the Rule Wizard.