Step 3: Add a result for a custom event (the data to export when a custom event is triggered)

  1. On the bottom left of the page, select Study Information (Study Information icon is a book with a magnifying glass.).
  2. On the left, in the Custom Events folder, select the custom event you want to work with.
  3. Select the Triggers & Results tab.
  4. At the top of the page, click New Result.
  5. Enter the type of data to export when the custom event is triggered:
    • Subject status
    • Common visit status
    • Study object status
  6. If you selected Study object status, click Include data if you want to export additional detailed information about forms.
  7. In the Map to name field, enter the destination where you want to save the exported data. The Map to name corresponds to the custom event result's alias.
  8. In the Custom Data field, enter any additional information that you want to send along with the custom event.
  9. Click OK.


    If your custom event uses the Siebel CTMS integration type, and the custom event creates a subject:
    • To create a subject with a status of Screen Failed, in the Map to name field, you must select ScreenFailureDate and ScreenFailureReason.
    • To create a subject with a status of Early Withdrawal, in the Map to name field, you must select WithdrawnDate and WithdrawnReason.
    • To create a subject with a status of Early Termination, in the Map to name field, you must select EarlyTerminatedDate and EarlyTerminatedReason.
    • In the Custom Data section Name field, select ScreenedStatus, Enrolled Status, or Status.
    • In the Custom Data section Value field, enter the value from the Language Independent Code in Siebel CTMS.


    If your custom event uses the Siebel CTMS integration type, and the custom event sends completion status information:
    1. In the Map to name field, select CompletedDate.
    2. In the Custom Data section, enter any of the following:
      • In the Name field, select VisitClinicalItem, and in the Value field, enter the clinical item value in the subject visit template in Siebel CTMS.
      • In the Name field, select ActivityClinicalItem, and in the Value field, enter the clinical item value for the activity in the subject visit template in Siebel CTMS.