Study design properties

Properties common to all study objects

All study objects have the following properties.

Property Description
Description Description of the study object. The description can have 0-255 characters.
Identifier Unique internal identifier of the study object.
Locked When True, the study object is locked.
Modified When True, the study object has not been saved since the last modification.
New When True, the study object has not been saved yet. When False, the study object has been saved at least one time.
Protected When true, the study object is protected. When a study object is protected, you cannot:
  • Update or lock it.
  • Add child study objects to it by pasting or dragging and dropping.
  • Delete its child study objects.
RefName RefName of the study object. The RefName can have 1-63 characters.
Revision Revision number of the study object.
Title Title of the study object. The title can have 1-63 characters.
Version Version number of the study object. The version number is incremented only when a user explicitly updates it.

Study Design properties

Property Description
Oracle InForm properties -
Shared Form Block Key Block key to use for a shared form; used for data transfers to the Clintrial application through CIS mappings. You must use this property if the block key in the Clintrial application is defined as a numeric field. The block key that you specify overrides the internal text block key (CommonCRF) that the Oracle Central Designer application creates during deployment from the system RefName of the special visit for shared forms.
Standard properties -
Generic Drug Name Generic name for a drug.
Protocol Name of the study protocol.
Sponsor Name of the sponsor of the study.
Sponsor Date Date specified by the sponsor of the study.
Sponsor Drug Name Code name given to a drug by a sponsor.
Study Name Name of the study.
Trade Drug Name Commercial name of a drug.