Study Events Editor

Columns common to all study object editors


Not all fields appear in the default view. Optionally, you can add the other fields and rearrange the browser view.
Property Description
Icon (first column) Status of the study object:
  • New icon.—New.
  • Locked icon.—Locked.
  • Protected icon.—Protected. When a study object is protected, you cannot :
    • Update or lock it.
    • Add child study objects to it by pasting or dragging and dropping.
    • Delete its child study objects.
Description Description of the study object. The description can have 0-255 characters.
Identifier Unique internal identifier of the study object.
Published (only in libraries) Indicates that the study object has been published.
RefName RefName of the study object. The RefName can have 1-63 characters.
Revision Revision number of the study object. The revision number is incremented each time the study object is changed and saved.
Title Title of the study object. The title can have 1-63 characters.
Version Version number of the study object. The version number is incremented only when a user explicitly updates it.

Optional fields for the default view


Not all fields appear in the default view. Optionally, you can add the other fields and rearrange the browser view.
Option Description
Block key value Value of the Clintrial block key, used for data transfer to the Clintrial application through CIS mappings. If you specify this value, it overrides the visit RefName as the block key.
Optional Indicates whether the study event is optional or required.
Repeating Indicates whether the study event is repeating.
Short Title Short title for the study event.
Special Visits Indicates whether the study event is an InForm special visit.