Study General tab—Option descriptions

Field Description

Study Name

Name of the study.


Target applications to which you will deploy the study.


Phase of the study.


Sponsor associated with the study.


Name of the protocol associated with the study.

Study Restrictions

Restrict study designers from creating new forms or sections in a study

Study designers can drag and drop library forms and sections into the study, but cannot create new forms or add sections to forms in the study.

Restrict study designers from creating new items on forms from libraries

Study designers can drag and drop library forms into the study, but cannot add items to those forms.

Restrict study designers from modifying certain properties of items from libraries

Study designers can drag and drop library items into the study, but cannot modify the item Length, RefName, Short Question, Signed Value (integer items only), or Precision (float items only).

Restrict study designers from modifying codelists from libraries

Study designers can drag and drop library codelists into the study, but cannot modify the codelist, its codelist items, or its codelist subsets.

Require codelist subset selection

When study designers drag and drop codelists with defined subsets into the study, they must select a codelist subset for each item instance they drag and drop the codelist on. The restriction applies to items that exist in the study design, have one or more codelists, and have subsets defined for the codelists.