Subject data set

Data Series Title Description Location in Oracle Argus Safety
NameInitials Patient initials. Case Form / Patient / Patient Information / Initials
BirthDateTime Patient date of birth. Case Form / Patient / Patient Information / Date of Birth
OnsetAge Age at the time of onset of the reaction. Case Form / Patient / Patient Information / Age
OnsetAgeUnit Unit for the age at time of onset of the reaction (for example, years, months). Case Form / Patient / Patient Information / Age Units
GestationPeriod Gestation period when the adverse event was observed in the fetus. Case Form / Patient / Patient Information / Pregnancy Details / Weeks at Onset If a valid value is entered, the Pregnant field is selected as well.
GestationPeriodUnit Unit for the gestation period (weeks, months, trimester).

Case Form/ Patient / Patient Pregnancy Details / Weeks at Onset

If a value is entered, the Pregnant field is selected.

AgeGroupCode Patient age group (for example, adolescent, adult). Case Form / Patient / Patient Age Group
Weight Patient weight. Case Form / Patient / Weight
WeightUnit Unit for the patient weight (for lb, kg).

Case Form / Patient / Patient Weight

Oracle Argus Safety requires kg. If you collect weight in pounds, set the study design to perform the conversion to kg.

Height Patient height. Case Form / Patient / Patient Height
HeightUnit Unit for the patient height (for in, cm).

Case Form / Patient / Patient Height

Oracle Argus Safety requires cm. If you collect height in inches, set the study design to perform the conversion to cm.

SexCode Patient gender Case Form / Patient / Patient Gender
LastMenstrualDateTime Date of the last menstrual period the adverse event occurred. Case Form / Patient / Patient Date of LMP
MedicalHistory Text item used to summarize the history and concurrent conditions of patient. Case Form / Patient / Notes
InvestigationResult Results of tests and procedures to the investigation of the patient. Map this data series when structured information is not available. Case Form / Patient / Relevant Test
RaceCode Patient race. Case Form / Patient / Patient Ethnicity
BreastFeedingIndicator Indicates whether the patient breast feeds an infant. Case Form / Patient / Patient Details / Breastfeeding
OccupationCode Occupation of the patient. Case Form / Patient / Patient Details / Occupation
PregnancyDueDateTime Due date for the pregnancy. Case Form / Patient / Pregnancy Due Date
ProspectiveIndicator Whether the sponsor was aware of the pregnancy before the birth. Case Form / Patient / Pregnancy Prospective
RetrospectiveIndicator Whether the sponsor became aware of the pregnancy after the birth. Case Form / Patient / Pregnancy Retrospective
FetusCount Number of fetuses in the pregnancy. Case Form / Patient / Pregnancy Fetus Count