Subject_ConMed data set

Data Series Title Description Location in Oracle Argus Safety
ConMed_SeparateDoseCount Number of separate dosages. Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Frequency
ConMed_DosageIntervalUnit Count Number of units in the dosage interval. Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Frequency
ConMed_DosageIntervalUnit Units in which the dosage interval is defined (for example days, months). Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Frequency
ConMed_DosageFrequency Frequency that the dosage was given to the patient (for example, 2 times per day). Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Frequency
ConMed_Dosage Number of units in the dosage (for example, 20). Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Dose Units
ConMed_DosageUnit Units in which the dosage is defined (for example, mg). Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Daily Dosage Units
ConMed_CumulativeDosage The total dose administered before the first sign, symptom, or reaction occurred. Case Form / Products / Total Dose to Primary Event
ConMed_CumulativeDosage Unit Units in the cumulative dosage (for example, mg). Case Form / Products / Total Dose to Primary Event
ConMed_DosageDescription Description of the dosage. Use this item if it is not possible to provide structured dosage information. Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Dose Description
ConMed_DosageFormCode Pharmaceutical form of the dosage (for example, tablets, capsules, syrup). Case Form / Products / Product Information / Formulation
ConMed_AdministrationRoute Code Route of administration of the drug (for example, intravenous, oral). Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Patient Route of Administration
ConMed_StartDateTime Start date of the dosing regimen. Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Start Date/Time
ConMed_EndDateTime End date of the dosing regimen. Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Stop Date/Time
ConMed_RecurReAdministration Code Whether the adverse event recurred when the drug was readministered (Yes, No, Unknown). Case Form / Products / Product Details / Rechallenge Results
ConMed_ActionTakenCode Action taken by the doctor or patient with the drug in response to the adverse event. Case Form / Products / Product Details / Action Taken
ConMed_AdditionalInformation Additional information about the concomitant medication. Case Form / Products / Notes
ConMed_MedicinalProduct Name Proprietary medicinal name of the concomitant medication. Case Form / Products / Product Information / Product Name
ConMed_Indication Reason that the concomitant medication was prescribed. Map to the user-entered verbatim or to the encoded MedDRA lower-level term. Case Form / Products / Product Indication / Coded Indication
ConMed_IndicationMedDRA Version Version of MedDRA used to code the indication if the indication is mapped to a lower-level term.


If Indication is mapped to text entered by the user, do not map this field.
For items to be encoded in Oracle Argus Safety, MedDRA version is required by the format used for transmitting data but does not appear in the Oracle Argus Safety.
ConMed_ParentAdministration RouteCode If the patient is a fetus, the route by which the drug was administered to the parent. Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Parent Route of Administration
ConMed_FirstDoseToOnset Duration If the exact start and end dates are not known or the interval is less than one day, the time between the first administration of the drug and the onset of the adverse advent. Case Form / Products / Time Interval Between First Dose / Primary Event
ConMed_FirstDoseToOnset DurationUnit Unit for first dose to onset duration (for example, minutes, hours). Case Form / Products / Time Interval Between First Dose / Primary Event
ConMed_LastDoseToOnset Duration If the exact start and end dates are not known or the interval is less than one day, the time between the last administration of the drug and the onset of the adverse advent. Case Form / Products / Time Interval Between Last Dose / Primary Event
ConMed_LastDoseToOnset DurationUnit Unit for last dose to onset duration (for example, minutes, hours). Case Form / Products / Time Interval Between Last Dose / Primary Event
ConMed_TreatmentDuration Duration of the dosing regimen if exact start and dates are not known. Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Duration of Regimen
ConMed_TreatmentDuration Unit Unit for the treatment duration (for example, days, months). Case Form / Products / Dosage Regimens / Duration of Administration
ConMed_OngoingIndicator Whether the patient is still taking the concomitant medication. Case Form / Products / Product Detail / Ongoing

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