System settings tab of the Administration editor—Option descriptions

Field Description
AutoAnswerManualQueries Whether the Oracle InForm application automatically answers a manual query when a data item change satisfies the rules on the data item.
EmailForNewSiteAndUserNotification Email address of an administrator who receives notification when a new site or new user is added.
EnforceVisitDate Whether to require the use of Date of Visit on the first form of every visit.
EnrollWithIncompleteForms Whether an Oracle InForm user can override a failed screening and enrollment.
FormSaveMode Location and format of the message that appears when a form is submitted successfully.

Number of seconds that the "Form submitted successfully" message remains visible in the header of the form before it fades.

Must be a value from 1 to 9.

NavigationMode Whether to allow users to change the order in which subjects appear in the Oracle InForm UI.
PatientSequence Format for assigning subject numbers (read-only).

Maximum number of characters of query text.

Maximum characters: 350.

QuerySelection State in which queries are created.
RequireCommentsForNA Whether a comment is required when NA is used.
ScreeningSequence Sequence number format for assigning screening numbers (read-only).
SponsorEditFrozen Whether a sponsor can edit a form after it is marked frozen.
TrialDateFormat Format of the date that appears in the study.
UniqueIntDOBSwitch Requirements for a subject initial/date of birth combination settings.
  • Initials and DOB combination must be unique within a site.
  • Initials and DOB combination must be unique within a study.
UniquePatIDSwitch Requirements for a subject ID.
  • Subject ID must be unique with a site.
  • Subject ID must be unique within a study.
UserNameOrder Order in which subjects appear in the Signature Details view.
ViewCRFSignList Whether a list of required signatures is included on each form.
VisitCalculatorEnabled Whether to enable the visit calculator.

Whether to show the word Unscheduled in the visit title of unscheduled visits.

This setting is only applicable to studies that are deployed to Oracle InForm release 6.2 or higher.


Whether to enable a text box where users can enter a comment for a form or item. If you select Yes for RequireCommentsForNA, you can't select No for FreeCommentTextBox.

If you select No, existing comments appear as read-only text, and the option to select Not Applicable, Unknown, or Not Done in the Reason incomplete field is available only for forms and items without data.

This setting is only applicable to studies that are deployed to Oracle InForm release 6.2 or higher.

ItemsetUnsvRequired Whether to specify when to set a Verified itemset to Not Verified in Oracle InForm.
  • If you select When any item is changed (Default), a Verified itemset is set to Not Verified any time an item in the itemset is modified.
  • If you select When any SV Required item is changed, a Verified itemset is set to Not Verified any time an item in the itemset that is marked SV Required is modified.

Setting this option in Oracle Central Designer sets the corresponding Oracle InForm option called Set itemset to Not Verified.


Percentage of subjects that will be automatically selected for Partial SDV.

The default is 100.


Default value for the first n number of subjects that will be automatically selected for Partial SDV.

The default is 0.


Include or exclude subjects from the SDV pool by default.

The default is Include.


The system default settings that represent 100% SDV are:
  • SVAutoSelectRate = 100
  • SVFirstNSubjects = 0
  • SVDefaultInclude = Include
The SVAutoSelectRate percentage starts after the SVFirstNSubjects is fulfilled.