Save validation messages to a CSV file

From the Baselines Browser or the Jobs Browser, you can save the processing messages for all validation baselines to a comma-separated value (CSV) file that can be opened in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

This file contains all of the columns that the Baselines Browser or the Jobs Browser can display. This information differs between the Baselines Browser and the Jobs Browser. Additionally:

  • A file saved from the Baselines Browser contains messages only from validation jobs.
  • A file saved from the Jobs Browser contains messages from all types of jobs that appear in the Jobs Browser. These messages can include information from validation, deployment, and import jobs.

To save validation baseline messages from the Baselines tab:

  1. Open the Baselines Browser.


    If the Baselines Browser is not visible, select View > Baselines.
  2. Click Save As, or right-click the browser, and select Save As.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

  3. Browse to the location in which to save the file.
  4. Specify a file name, and click Save.

To save validation baseline messages from the Job Log:

  1. In the row of browser tabs, select the Jobs Browser.

    The Jobs Browser appears.

  2. Select the Jobs tab.


    If you don't see the Jobs tab, at the top left of the page, select View, and make sure Jobs is selected.
  3. Click Save As, or right-click the browser, and select Save As.

    The Save As dialog box appears.

  4. Browse to the location in which to save the file.
  5. Specify a file name, and click Save.

Baselines Browser - Option descriptions

Option Description
Buttons -
Edit Edit the name and description of the selected baseline.
Delete Delete the selected baseline. You can only delete a baseline that does not have a deployment package associated with it.
Ignore Warnings View warning messages and either update the study to correct them or indicate that you will ignore the warnings.
Make Public Mark a baseline as public so that other users can view and work with it.
Show Validation/Hide Validation
  • Show Validation—Change from a grid to a tree structure that you can expand to view the validation messages generated during baseline creation.
  • Hide Validation—Change from a tree structure back to a grid that lists only baselines without validation messages.
Refresh Refresh the display of baselines from the Oracle Central Designer database. Job results for baselines that are expanded are also refreshed from the database.
Save As Save the contents of the Baselines Browser to a comma-separated value (CSV) file that can be opened in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.


Not all fields appear in the default view. Optionally, you can add the other fields to the browser view, and you can rearrange the order of fields. For more information, see Showing and hiding a field.
Baseline ID Unique identifier of the baseline.
Date Created Date and time that the baseline was created.
Deployed Yes or No, indicating whether the baseline has been processed for deployment.
Description Description of the baseline, updated if you edit the baseline.
Job ID Unique identifier of the job in which the baseline was created.
Name Name of the baseline. By default, the name consists of the string Validation baseline, along with the date and time it was created.
Public Yes or No, indicating whether the validation baseline has been made public.

Revision number of the baseline. The revision consists of three numbers: "Major.Minor.Revision," such as 1.0.2.

  • Major and minor number—The version number of the study design study object. If the study design does not have a version number, the first two numbers are 0.0, such as 0.0.4.
  • Revision number—The number of revisions made to the study since the most recent version label (either major or minor) was created.

Status of the baseline:

  • Valid—No warnings and no errors. A baseline with this status can be processed for deployment.
  • Valid with Warnings—One or more warnings exist, but a user has updated them with the Ignore Warnings menu command. A baseline with this status can be processed for deployment.
  • Pending—Validation is in process.
  • Invalid with Warnings—One or more warnings exist and have not been updated with the Ignore Warnings menu command. A baseline with this status cannot be processed for deployment.
  • Invalid—One or more errors exist. A baseline with this status cannot be processed for deployment.
Study ID Unique identifier of the study for which the baseline is generated.


The following columns are in the grid that appears when you click Show Job Results and expand the results for a job.

Code Unique identifier for the validation error or warning. You can provide the code when submitting issues to Oracle Support.
Description Description of the baseline message.
Date Created Date and time the validation message was created.
Issue Name Type of issue for which the job result is reporting. This field contains a value only if the job result is a validation error on a rule. Options include Rule Name and sometimes Function Name.
Job Id Unique identifier of the job in which the baseline was created.
Job Result Id Unique identifier of the baseline message.
Object RefName RefName of the study object that is reported in the validation message. This field contains a value only if the job result is a validation error on a rule.
Object Title Title of the study object that is reported in the validation message. This field contains a value only if the job result is a validation error on a rule.
Path Path of the study object that is reported in the validation message. This field contains a value only if the job result is a validation error on a rule.
Validation Type

Type of message:

  • Information—Description of the processing step being performed during validation.
  • Warning—Irregularity that should be investigated. Further processing (for example, creation of a deployment package) can be performed if you explicitly choose to ignore warnings.
  • Error—Fatal problem. No further processing (for example, creation of a deployment package) can be performed until all errors are corrected.
Warning Ignored Indicates if you have chosen to ignore a warning.

Job Log Browser - Option descriptions


Not all fields appear in the default view. Optionally, you can add the other fields and rearrange the browser view.
Option Description
Buttons -

Hide Job Results/

Show Job Results

  • Show Job Results—Change from a grid to a tree structure that you can expand to view the job results for each job.
  • Hide Job Results—Change from a tree structure back to a grid that lists only jobs without job results.
Refresh Refresh the display of jobs from the Oracle Central Designer database. When you refresh, the job results for expanded jobs are also refreshed.
Save As Save the contents of the Jobs Browser to a comma-separated value (CSV) file that can be opened in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Jobs Since Drop-down list specifying how far back the display of job results goes.
Columns -
Finish Time Date and time at which the job ended.
Job State Run status of the job, either Started or Finished.
Job Id Unique identifier of the job that generated the listing.
Job Result

Indicates whether the job scheduler ran successfully for the specified job. This field is not an indication of the status of the job.

  • Succeeded
  • Failed

Name of the job:

  • For deployment package jobs—Name of the deployment package.
  • For library import jobs—[Import to], plus the name of the target library.
  • For validation jobs—[Validation baseline], plus the date and time of job submission.
Start Time Date and time when the job started.

Overall status of the job results for the selected job.

  • Information—Job results contain only informational messages. This status also appears if the job has started but no job results have been reported yet.
  • Warning—Job results contain at least one warning (but no errors).
  • Error—Job results contain at least one error.
Status Icon Icon that corresponds to the status of the job.
Study Id Unique identifier of the study for which the job was run.
Type Type of job, either Import, Validation, or BuildDeploymentPackage.
Sub-columns The following columns are in the grid that appears when you click Show Job Results and expand the results for a job.
Code Unique identifier for the validation error or warning. You can provide the code when submitting issues to Oracle Support.
Date Created Date and time the message was generated.
Description Text of the message.
Issue Name Type of issue for which the job result is reporting. This field contains a value only if the job result is a validation error on a rule. Options include Rule Name and sometimes Function Name.
Job Id Unique identifier of the job that generated the listing.
Job Result Id Unique identifier of the job result.
Object RefName RefName of the study object that is reported in the job result. This field contains a value only if the job result is a validation error on a rule.
Object Title Title of the study object that is reported in the job result. This field contains a value only if the job result is a validation error on a rule.
Path Path of the study object that is reported in the job result. This field contains a value only if the job result is a validation error on a rule.
Target Target application for which you validate the study and to which you deploy the study.

Type of message:

  • Information—Description of the processing step being performed in the job.
  • Warning—Irregularity that should be investigated. Further processing (for example, creation of a deployment package) can be performed if you explicitly choose to ignore warnings.
  • Error—Fatal problem. No further processing (for example, creation of a deployment package) can be performed until all errors are corrected.
Type Icon Icon that corresponds to the type of message.
Warning Ignored True or False, indicating whether you have chosen to ignore the warning message for the purpose of performing additional processing.