Validation produces errors and warnings

Validation can produce errors and warnings, as well as informational messages. You can read the errors and warnings to find out if any modifications are necessary for your study to pass validation and be deployed.

You can deploy a study that has received validation warnings, but you must acknowledge the warnings to indicate that you understand them and choose to ignore them in order to proceed with building the deployment package.

A validation baseline can have the following statuses:

  • Invalid—One or more errors. The validation baseline cannot be used in a deployment package.
  • Invalid with warnings—One or more warnings. A user must indicate that the warnings can be ignored before using the validation baseline in a deployment package.
  • Pending—Validation is in process.
  • Valid—No errors. The validation baseline can be used in a deployment package.
  • Valid with warnings—One or more warnings. A user has indicated that the warnings can be ignored, and the validation baseline can be used in a deployment package.