View Differences dialog box—Option descriptions

Option Description
Buttons -
Show Differences View the differences between the selected versions of the form.
Root Select the study object at the top-level in the Modified Objects tree.
Back Select the previously-selected study object in the Modified Objects tree.
Preview Form View the current and previous layouts for the selected form.
Fields (for a form change) -
Form Form for which to view differences.
Preexisting version Deployed study version in which the form exists. Select the study version to view the design of the form that you selected in the Form drop-down list that existed in that study version.
Locale Locale for which to view form data.
Modified Objects Explorer tree that displays a list of study objects that were modified in the most current version of the study.
Difference Modification that was made to the study object selected in the Modified Objects tree in the most current version of the study.
Source Study object that was modified.
Target New study object that was created by the in-place revision change.
Fields (for a custom event change) -
General tab -
Property The property of the custom event that was added, modified, or deleted from one study version to the other.
Preexisting Version The deployed study version that contained the custom event.
Latest Version On Study The latest study version that contained the custom event.
Triggers tab -
Identifier An identifier created by Oracle Central Designer for the trigger.
Trigger Type The type of event (Subject or Study object) that triggers the custom event.
Event Type The trigger event, which corresponds to the value that you entered in the Event type field in the New Custom Event Trigger dialog box.
Mapped Object -
Additional Values The values that you entered in the fields in the New Custom Event Trigger dialog box, other than the Event Type field, and the label of the item the trigger is on.


If you create the trigger on a codelist item, the title of the codelist item appears in this column instead of the label.
Results tab -
Identifier An identifier created by Oracle Central Designer for the result.
Result Type The type of subject or study object status to include in the result.
Mapped Object The name of the study object you selected in the result.
Map To Name The Oracle InForm Publisher alias to map the result to.
Custom Data The additional data to send with the result data.