What are the RD Column names in RDE Analytics tables?

RD Column Name Source of data Column data type
Text, integer, or float item without units: - -
Item_RefName Entered value VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or FLOAT, depending on the data type of the item.
Item_RefName_ND Reason why an item is incomplete (Not Done, Not Applicable, or Unknown). VARCHAR2
Integer or float item with units: - -
Item_RefName Entered value NUMBER or FLOAT
Item_RefName_N Normalized value NUMBER or FLOAT
Item_RefName_U Entered unit symbol VARCHAR2
Item_RefName_NU Normalized unit symbol VARCHAR2
Item_RefName_ND Reason why an item is incomplete (Not Done, Not Applicable, or Unknown). VARCHAR2
Radio buttons or drop-down lists: - -
Item_RefName Label VARCHAR2
Item_RefName_C Coded value VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or FLOAT, depending on the data type of the item.
Item_RefName_ND Reason why an item is incomplete (Not Done, Not Applicable, or Unknown). VARCHAR2
Checkboxes - -
Two columns for each checkbox: - -
RefName_of_parent_item - RefName_of_child_item_or_control Label of codelist item control in child item. VARCHAR2
RefName_of_parent_item - RefName_of_child_control_C Coded value of codelist item control in child item. VARCHAR2, NUMBER, or FLOAT, depending on the data type of the item.
Dates and times: - -
Item_RefName Valid, complete date time or complete date plus hours and minutes (A complete date time can include UNK or ND entries). DATE
Item_RefName_DTS Date string VARCHAR2

Appears when:

  • The Item_RefName_DTS column name appears for an item.
  • The value of any date part that appears is not required, or an unknown value is allowed for the date part.
Item_RefName_TMS Time string VARCHAR2

Appears when:

  • The Item_RefName_TMS column appears for an item.
  • The value of any date part that appears is not required, or an unknown value is allowed for the date part.
Item_RefName_ND Reason why an item is incomplete (Not Done, Not Applicable, or Unknown). VARCHAR2
Compound items (parent item): - -
RefName_of_parent_item_ND Reason why an item is incomplete (Not Done, Not Applicable, or Unknown). VARCHAR2
Compound items (child item): - -
RefName_of_parent_item - RefName_of_child_item_Suffix

One or more columns for each child item, based on the item type. The value of Suffix is based on the type of the child item or control, as described in this table.

Based on the type of the child item or control. Based on the type of the child item or control.