What CMSL data is not exported or imported?


Exporting and importing do not preserve notes, categorization, or ancestry.

When study CSML is exported and then imported into a new study, baselines are not included. Use caution exporting/importing CSML if there is a chance you may do any in-place revisions on the study. In order to validate an in-place revision, which compares the current potential baseline and previous baselines, baselines that have been deployed to LIVE/UAT must exist.

When functions are declared in the study CSML, functions are imported except under the following circumstances:
  • When you import CSML in a study, and a function in the CSML already exists in a library that is in the Library List for the study. The function is already available for use. You do not receive an error or warning.
  • When the function assembly does not exist in the database. You receive a warning.