What information is imported from an archive?

Component Information that is imported

Attachments on:

  • The study or library.
  • The study project or library project.

Files with the same name are overwritten.

Baselines All baselines.
  • System and user keywords.
  • Automatically generated and manually generated categories.
  • The mappings that connect keywords and categories to study objects.


If categories or keywords already exist in the target database, they are not overwritten.
Collaboration notes and tasks All collaboration notes and tasks in the study, study project, or library project.
Custom properties
  • Custom properties and their corresponding keywords and categories.
  • Values of the custom properties.


If custom properties with the same name and on the same study object already exist in the target database, they are not overwritten.

All functions in the study, study project, or library project.


Functions with the same file name in the target database are overwritten.
Study objects
  • All study objects are imported with their original identifiers. Archived study objects are re-inserted so the family tree is restored.
  • Information about whether a study object is a copy of another study object, as well as the study object from which it was copied.
  • Information about whether a study object is published, including the revisions that were published.


The identifiers for study objects are maintained after an import. Linked study objects are overwritten in the target database only if the archive contains a newer revision of the study object.
Validation results (Studies only) All validation results.


  • The units file is not imported. If you need to recover this file from an archive, contact Oracle Services.
  • Users and teams are not imported. When study objects in the archive refer to a user that does not exist in the target database, archiveimporter is inserted for the user's name. For example, if the user JohnSmith modified a study object in the archive but does not exist in the database, the History Viewer lists archiveimporter in place of JohnSmith after the archive is imported.