What's involved in study validation and deployment?

Study validation and deployment is a two-step process:

  1. Prepare a study to move from the design environment to a test or production environment.
  2. Move the study to the test or production environment.

For validation to succeed, a study must contain the following study objects at a minimum:

  • One study event.
  • One form for each study event.
  • One item for each form.
  • A label for each codelist item.


  • You can validate and deploy a study but not a library.
  • You must validate a study before you can create a deployment package. The process of validation checks for conditions that would make it impossible to deploy the study. When you validate a study, the Oracle Central Designer application creates a validation baseline.

Validate as often as needed to make sure that the design will be deployable. When deciding how frequently to validate, consider that validation requires you to save the study.