Logging on to the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application

An administrator must log on to the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application and create user accounts before other users can log on and use the Oracle Central Designer application.
  1. Using Microsoft Edge, navigate to the following address:

    http://<server name>/CentralDesignerInstall

    In the previous address, <server name> is the name of the application server computer.

  2. Click the Start Central Designer Administrator link.
    A dialog box appears, indicating that the application is starting. The logon window appears.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • User name—system.
    • Password—Password you set during the server installation.
  4. If the web browser connects to the network through a proxy server that requires authentication, click Proxy Settings to enter the user name, the password, and the domain used to authenticate the connection to the proxy server.
  5. Click Log On.
    The application opens.
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