Registering .NET assemblies

You must register the .NET assemblies to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) after the initial installation, and each time you apply a patch.
  • Oracle.DataAccess.dll
  • Policy files that redirect older Oracle.DataAccess.dll versions to the one installed

To add the assemblies to the GAC:

  1. Open a command prompt as an Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the directory that contains the assembly to add to the GAC (<oracle home>\ODP.NET\bin\4).
  3. Execute the following command:
    oraprovcfg.exe /action:gac /providerpath:Oracle.DataAccess.dll
  4. Navigate to the directory that contains the policy files to add to the GAC (<oracle home>\ ODP.NET\PublisherPolicy\4).
  5. Execute the following commands:
    OraProvCfg.exe /action:gac /providerpath:Policy.4.112.Oracle.DataAccess.dll
    OraProvCfg.exe /action:gac /providerpath:Policy.4.121.Oracle.DataAccess.dll
    OraProvCfg.exe /action:gac /providerpath:Policy.4.122.Oracle.DataAccess.dll