Edit Function dialog box—Option descriptions

Option Description

Properties tab


Name of the function.


User-defined text used to group, sort, and filter functions.


Description of the function.

Definition tab

Return Type

Data type for the returned value for the function. One of the following: Integer, Float, String, Boolean, Date/Time, or Array (A list of values, all of the same type).


Name of the assembly file that contains the function.


Locate the assembly for the function.


The class in which the function is included.

Parameters section

In the parameters section, you can provide one or more parameters for the function.


Not all fields appear in the default view. Optionally, you can add the other fields to the browser view, and you can rearrange the order of fields. For more information, see Showing and hiding a field in the User Guide.

Data Type, Default Value, Description, Parameter

Data type, default value, description, and name of the parameter.