Auto-deployment doesn't complete and I need to open a Support ticket

If auto-deployment doesn't complete and the trial is left in Maintenance mode, you must submit a ticket to Oracle Support.
  1. Log into the Support home page.
  2. Submit a Support ticket:
    1. From the Issue Category list, choose System Unavailable.
    2. In the text field, type Related to Auto-Deployment.

      This is key to the ticket being routed correctly and effectively at Oracle, which helps minimize resolution time.

    3. Add any other text you feel is appropriate.
  3. Immediately after submitting the ticket, alert other trial users that the trial is unexpectedly in Maintenance mode as a result of an issue while deploying a design change.

    Say that you have already submitted a ticket to request assistance. Emphasize that:

    • Oracle will take the trial out of Maintenance mode at the earliest possible point. If judged to be safe, this would be in parallel to the auto-restore issue being investigated.
    • Do not submit further tickets on the issue to Oracle Support as this could detract focus on optimum resolution time.

If other auto-deployment issues occur that you are unable to resolve, you must submit a ticket to Oracle Support.

  1. Log into the Support home page.
  2. Submit a Support ticket:
    1. From the Issue Category list, choose an appropriate category.
    2. In the text field, type Related to Auto-Deployment.

      This is key to the ticket being routed correctly and effectively at Oracle, which helps minimize resolution time.

    3. Add any other text you feel is appropriate.