Create a site-specific layout

Creating a new layout is necessary if, for example, you cannot ask a question at a particular site.

  1. Set the primary layout for the study, and make sure that a primary layout exists for every form in the study, even the forms for which you have to hide one or more questions for a specific locale.
  2. For the form that contains the question that you cannot ask at a site, create a new layout.
    1. In the Project Explorer, select the form.
    2. Select the Layout tab, and click the Create Layout button in the middle of the page.
    For example, you might call the layout Hidden Question. This form still requires a primary layout, even though you will not deploy it.
  3. In the Hidden Question layout, select the locale for the site that does not allow the question, and hide the question.
  4. Create additional layouts called Hidden Question for any other forms that must not ask certain questions for the site.
  5. When you create a deployment package, choose the Hidden Question layout as the layout to deploy.
    The Hidden Question layout is deployed for all forms that have it. For all other forms, the primary layout is deployed.