Set the default appearance for a single form and its study objects (form-level styles)

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Forms and Transactions (Forms and Transactions icon.) button, and expand the InForm folder and the Forms folder, if necessary.
  2. Select the form.
  3. Select the Layout tab, and click Edit Styles.
  4. You can set the following styles.
    Form styles
    • Question column width—Percentage of the width of the layout table to use for the question column.

      For example, if you enter 50 in the field, the question occupies half of the form, and the control where the InForm user enters data takes up the remaining half.

    • Inherit—You must deselect this option to override the default study-level styles, or the styles that your study administrator set up.
    Codelist styles
    • Control orientation—Display codelist items horizontally or vertically.
    • Single selection settings—Display codelist items as radio buttons or within a drop-down list.
      • Use pulldown when item count exceeds—When the number of codelist items exceeds the specified number, display them in a pulldown control.
      • Display vertically when item count exceeds—When the number of codelist items exceeds the specified number, display them as a vertical list of radio buttons.
    • Inherit—You must deselect this option to override the default study-level styles, or the styles that your study administrator set up.
    Compound Item styles
    • Caption alignment—Align the top-level item's caption to the left, top, right, or bottom of the control.
    • Control orientation—If you have a control and it has sub-controls (also called nested controls), you can indicate whether you want the nested controls to be displayed horizontally or vertically.
    • Inherit—You must deselect this option to override the default study-level styles, or the styles that your study administrator set up.
    DateTime Item styles
    • Year range—The range of years to display in date time items.
    • Caption alignment—Align the top-level item's caption to the left, top, right, or bottom of the control.
    • Inherit—You must deselect this option to override the default study-level styles, or the styles that your study administrator set up.
    Float Item styles
    • Caption alignment—Align the top-level item's caption to the left, top, right, or bottom of the control.
    • Textbox width—The width of the text box for the item.
      • Use the item variable's length as the width—Use each item's length as the text box width.
      • Use this width—Enter a width for the text box.
    • Unit control type—Display the unit controls as radio buttons or in a pulldown.
    • Inherit—You must deselect this option to override the default study-level styles, or the styles that your study administrator set up.
    Integer Item styles
    • Caption alignment—Align the top-level item's caption to the left, top, right, or bottom of the control.
    • Textbox width—The width of the text box for the item.
      • Use the item variable's length as the width—Use the item's length as the text box width.
      • Use this width—Enter a width for the text box.
    • Unit control type—Display the unit controls as radio buttons or in a pulldown.
    • Inherit—You must deselect this option to override the default study-level styles, or the styles that your study administrator set up.
    Text Item styles
    • Caption alignment—Align the top-level item's caption to the left, top, right, or bottom of the control.
    • Textbox width—The width of the text box for the item.
      • Use the item variable's length as the width—Use the item's length as the text box width.
        • Increase the height by one line for every __ chars—Increment the height of the text box by one line for every specified number of characters entered for the item.
        • Use the following width and height—Enter a width (in number of characters) and height (in number of lines) for the text box.
      • Use this width—Enter a width for the text box.
    • Character set restriction—Indicate whether you want to require InForm users to enter only ASCII characters in text items without codelists, or if InForm users can use any character set for text items.

      The ASCII Only restriction is enforced if you're deploying to InForm release 5.0 or higher.

    • Inherit—You must deselect this option to override the default study-level styles, or the styles that your study administrator set up.
  5. Click OK.