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Design tab of the Rule Test Cases dialog box—Option descriptions

In the Design tab, you write, modify, and delete test cases for rules.

Design tab of the Rules Test Cases dialog box—Option descriptions





Test Name

Name of the test case. By default, test cases are named Test<incrementing number>, where <incrementing number> is a number that starts with 1 and counts upward.

<item name>

Each item that is used in the rule expression appears as a field. You can provide test values for each item.

Expected Result

The expected result of the test case. Multiple fields appear for data-entry rules with multiple actions.

  • For data-entry rules:
  • Rule issues a query—Select QUERY or NOQUERY.
  • Rule sends an email message—Select Sent or Not Sent.
  • Rule sets a value—Calculate and type the expected value. For example, for a BMI rule, use the Height and Weight values in the test case to calculate the value.
    • For workflow rules, you select the study object that you expect to appear next in the workflow, based upon the test case.
    • For global conditions, you select True or False, depending on whether the specified condition is true or false.

Rule Details tab

Text representation and description of the rule.

Site Info tab

Information appears in this tab when a locale is defined for a study.

Site name (or mnemonic)

Name of the site. This information is returned when you use the GetSiteMnemonic() function.

Site locale

Drop-down list of supported locales for a study. The selected locale is returned when you use the GetSiteLocale() function.

Site locale date and time

Drop-down list for selecting a date and time. The selected date and time is returned when you use the GetSiteTime() function.

Form Associations tab

Information appears in this tab if an item path contains an associated form.

Associated Data View item paths

If you used data from associated forms in the rule, select the item paths that you used so that the Rule Test Cases dialog box can use the information when running the test cases.

Test Properties tab

Properties for the test name, item, or expected result that you point to in the grid.

Test Description tab

Optionally, type a description of the test case.

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