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Custom Events editor—Option descriptions

All study object editors have the following columns.

Note: Not all fields appear in the default view. Optionally, you can add the other fields and rearrange the browser view.

Columns common to all study object editors



Icon (first column)

Study object's status.


Study object's description.


Unique internal identifier of the study object.

IPR Status

Indicates whether the study object has an IPR configuration.

Published (only in libraries)

Indicates that the study object has been published.


RefName of the study object.

Note: We recommend that you don't use Conflict for a study event RefName, as there is a default Conflict visit created for InForm.


Title of the study object.

Custom Events editor—Option descriptions




The custom event's active status.

Destination Name

The destination application where InForm sends the exported data.

Endpoint Name

The endpoint name corresponds to the Endpoint Alias in InForm Publisher.

Evaluate On

Indicates whether to run the custom event against new data only, or new data and existing data.

Integration Type

The integration type that you selected for the custom event. Integration types are added in the Central Designer Administrator.


The name of the custom event that needs to run before the current custom event can be triggered.

Priority Group

The order to run the custom events in.

Note: To type extended ASCII characters in text fields, press ALT while entering the decimal code for the character. You can also add HTML formatting characters to a text field to control its appearance when deployed.

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