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Task areas—Field descriptions

The following fields appear in:

Note: Some fields appear on the Home page, but not in the Tasks Browser. In addition, not all fields appear in the default view. Optionally, you can add the other fields to the browser view, and you can rearrange the order of fields.

Field descriptions for My Recent Tasks Since and My Tasks sections



Completed By

Person who completed the task.

Completed Date

Date and time the task was completed.


Created Date

Date and time the task was created.


Description of the task.

Due Date

Deadline for the task, selected by the task requester. If the task is overdue, the date is red.



Unique identifier for the task.

Object Name

Study object to which the task is attached.

Object Type

Task type.


User or team responsible for the task:

  • Assigned task—The assignee (or assignees).
  • Accepted task—The accepter.
  • Completed task—The creator.


Priority of the task. Options are Critical, High, Medium, and Low.

Project Id

Unique identifier for the project that contains the task.

Project Name

Project that contains the task.

Requested By

Person who created the task.


Status of the task.

Study Id

Unique identifier for the study that contains the task.

Study Name

Study that contains the task.


Task type on which the task is based. An administrator defines task types in the Central Designer Administrator application.

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