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Design environment

The CIS integrated design environment enables you to create metadata definitions of study components. The CIS synchronization functionality enables the transfer of study metadata and clinical data between the CIS servers and the InForm servers.

The following diagram illustrates the components of the CIS design environment.

CIS - Environment Development-Neptune



Central Designer software

Design InForm study components and data mappings and send the Central Designer deployment package to an InForm study database.

InForm application server

Execute all InForm study activities.

InForm study development database

Store study metadata and clinical data for an InForm study that is being developed.

CIS Administration application

Configure the CIS environment and monitor synchronized protocol connections.

CIS Admin database

Store CIS administrative data.

CIS database

Retrieve, translate, and store Clintrial protocol metadata in MedML format.

CIS Central Admin and adapters

Perform CIS administrative activities and process transactions between the Clintrial software and the InForm software.

Clintrial Design module

Design a Clintrial protocol.

Clintrial protocol development database

Store and test new Clintrial protocol components.

Clintrial production database

Store protocol components, EDC study data, and paper-based study data for studies that are integrated with the InForm software.

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