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Setting a home page and auto-refresh rate

Before setting your home page and auto-refresh rate, add the page that you want as your CIS Administration home page to the Favorites tab of the My CIS page.

  1. On the Settings tab of the My CIS page, select the page that you want as your home page from the Home page drop-down list. This list contains the pages you defined as favorites and the default page. The home page is the first page that appears after you log on to CIS Administration.

    Note: If CIS Administration is configured not to allow users to specify individual home pages, or if you do not have any favorite pages, the only value available is Default.

  2. In the Page auto-refresh rate (seconds) field, type the number of seconds that you want CIS Administration to wait before automatically refreshing pages that contain dynamic information.
  3. Click Save.

For more information, see Overview of customizing views.

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