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How CIS determines the item on which to place a query

The INF_ERRORITEM table, which identifies items associated with an EDC data entry error, corresponds to the VCT_ERRORITEM table for PDC data. In a CIS environment, if a Clintrial rule fires on EDC data, the CIS software determines the InForm item to which to attach the query by examining the items posted by the rule in the INF_ERRORITEM table in order and doing the following:

  1. It places a query on the InForm item corresponding to the first error item in the INF_ERRORITEM table if all of the following are true:
    • The error item is mapped to an InForm control.
    • The InForm control is not a calculated control.
    • The form in which the control appears has been started.

    Note: It is not necessary for the item of which the control is a part to have data, but at least one item on the form must have been submitted.

  2. If any of these conditions is not true, CIS examines the next error item to determine if it meets the criteria for placing a query in the InForm software.
  3. If no error items meet the criteria, CIS does not send a query to the InForm software, and it places a warning in the Windows event log of the CIS machine.

If no error items are set up for a rule, and the rule fails on EDC data, validation fails. To prevent this, include a derivation in the rule that sets the value of the $edc_usect variable to True.

In a protocol that is set up for Resolve:

The query initial state is taken from the panel to which the rule is attached, not the panel of the first error item.

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