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Study book autocreation terms

The following table lists definitions of Clintrial terms that are important for understanding how the CIS software automatically creates a study book.




A group of related study pages in a study book. Blocks usually represent subject evaluation checkpoints, such as subject visits. A Clintrial block corresponds to an InForm visit.

Page section

A part of a study page, corresponding to a section of a CRF. A page section is associated with a panel.

Page template

An object that consists of one or more page sections and defines the order of page sections in a study page.


A grouping of logically or clinically related items.

A panel is defined by metadata that is stored in data dictionary tables. When you install a panel, three additional database tables are created (the UPDATE table, DATA table, and AUDIT table) for storage of clinical data.

Study book

A representation of a case book. Each study book contains an ordered list of study pages, corresponding to the pages in a paper case book.

In addition to clinical study books, Clintrial software also includes enrollment study books, used to enroll study subjects, and non-subject study books, used to enter nonclinical data such as standard coding thesauruses or patient status.

Study page

A data entry window that represents a page in a CRF. A study page in which you can enter clinical data for a subject consists of a context page section (for context items) and one or more additional page sections (for clinical data). A study page is based on a page template.

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