Plan Reporting Enhancements

ClearTrial 5.8 continues to increase flexibility and expand on the enhancements provided in Release 5.7 and includes updates to generating the Milestone Dates and Milestone Payment Schedule reports.

Milestone Dates Report

The Milestone Dates report has been enhanced to align with the milestones excluded on the Payments tab of a plan. When you click on the Milestone Dates report link from the Reports tab of a plan, 5.8 opens a new input screen for you to select and verify which milestones to include or exclude in the report from the list of milestone payments.

  • Included milestones from the Payments tab of your plan are selected by default.
  • Excluded milestones from the Payments tab of your plan are deselected by default.
  • Days Since Last, introduced in Release 5.7, will calculate based on the last included milestone you have chosen to include in the report.

Milestone Payment Schedule Report (Enterprise Edition users)

The Release 5.8 Milestone Payment Schedule report includes new reporting options to include milestone payments with no or zero amount and whether to show or hide excluded milestones in the report.