Queries dataset

You can use the Queries dataset to analyze and visualize customized query data in Oracle Clinical One Analytics.


Available in all 3 modes: Testing, Training, and Production

What type of data can I include in a custom report or visualization on queries?

With this dataset, you can:

  • View all queries in a state of Open and Answered to find a quick resolution.
  • Identify form questions and items with the most queries across your study.

For information about permissions required to access this dataset, see About your access to Oracle Clinical One Analytics.


This dataset supports data classifications security. All data that you have access to view in Oracle Clinical One Platform will be visible to you.

Browse descriptions of data elements included in this dataset:

Study folder

This table describes the data elements included in the Study folder

Table 2-26 Data elements in the Study folder

Data element Description
STUDY_MODE Indicates the study mode used in the referencing data in a custom report, such as Testing, Training, or Active.
STUDY_ID_NAME A study ID as specified by the study manager when they created the study, such as a protocol acronym and protocol number.
STUDY_TITLE A protocol's title as specified by the study manager.
STUDY_REFNAME The STUDY_ID_NAME data element that is converted to uppercase and spaces are removed. This value never changes after created even if STUDY_ID_NAME changes.
STUDY_PHASE A study's phase as indicated by the study manager when they created the study.
THERAPEUTIC_AREA Indicates the therapeutic area as specified by the study manager when they created the study.
BLINDING_TYPE Indicates whether the study is an open-label type of study or a blinded study, as specified by the study manager when they created the study.
STUDY_VERSION Indicates the study version number of the referencing data in a custom report.

Site folder

This table describes the data elements included in the Site folder.

Table 2-27 Data elements in the site folder

Data element Description
ADD_SUBJECTS Flag that enables or prevents site users from adding subjects at one or multiple sites.
ADDRESS_CITY A site's city as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
ADDRESS_COUNTRY A site's country as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site. The field display the country ISO code.
ADDRESS_POSTALCODE The Zip Postal Code associated with a site's address.
ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROV_OR_CNTY A site's state, province, or county as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
ADDRESS_STREET_1 A site's first address as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
ADDRESS_STREET_2 A site's second address as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
DEA_NUMBER The DEA registration number.
DISPENSE_TO_SUBJECTS Flag that enables or prevents site users from dispensing kits, devices or performing dose changes for subjects at one or multiple sites.
DRUG_DESTRUCTION_CAPABLE Flag that defines if the kit type is destructible at the site or not.
EMAIL Email address of the site as entered by the site administrator when they created or last modified the site.
EXPIRATION Indicates the expiration date of the DEA Registration Number as defined by a site manager.
FAX The contact fax number as entered by the site administrator when they created or last modified the site.
INITIAL_SUBJECTS_COUNT Number of initial subjects included in the SDV strategy.
INITIAL_SUBJECTS_SDV_TYPE Type of Source Data Verification: All Questions or Critical Questions.
PHONE The contact phone number as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
PI_PREFIX The principal investigator's prefix at the site.
RANDOMIZE_SUBJECTS Flag that enables or prevents site users from randomizing subjects at one or multiple sites.
REMAINING_SUBJECTS_PERCENTAGE Number of remaining subjects included in the SDV strategy.
REMAINING_SUBJECTS_SDV_TYPE Type of Source Data Verification: All Questions or Critical Questions.
SCREEN_SUBJECTS Flag that enables or prevents site users from screening subjects at one or multiple sites.
SDV_GROUP_NAME Name of the SDV Strategy, as entered by the study manager.
SHIPPING_ADDRESS_1 A site's first shipping address as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
SHIPPING_ADDRESS_2 A site's second shipping address as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
SHIPPING_ATTENTION Indicates the name of the person who will receive shipments at the site, as specified by a site manager.
SHIPPING_CITY City associated with the shipping address, as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
SHIPPING_COUNTRY Country associated with the shipping address, as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
SHIPPING_EMAIL Email address associated with the shipping address.
SHIPPING_FAX Fax number associated with the shipping address.
SHIPPING_PHONE Phone number associated with the shipping address.
SHIPPING_STATE_OR_PROV_OR_CNTY State, province, or county associated with the shipping address, as entered by the site manager when they created or last modified the site.
SHIPPING_ZIP Zip Postal Code associated with the shipping address.
SITE_ID_NAME Indicates the site ID as entered by a site manager when they created or last modified a site.
SITE_STATUS Indicates the status of a site whether it is New, Active, or Retired.
SITE_STUDY_VERSION The study version assigned to the site, as configured by a site manager.
TIMEZONE Indicates the time zone the site is currently placed on as specified by a site manager.
INVESTIGATOR A Principal Investigator's Full Name as listed when the site manager created the site.
SITE_NAME Indicates the site's name as entered by a site manager when they created or last modified a site.
SITE_TYPE Indicates the type of organization.

Country folder

This table describes the data elements included in the Country folder.

Table 2-28 Data elements in the Country folder

Data element Description
COUNTRY_NAME Indicates a country's two-digit ISO code.

Subject folder

This table describes the data elements included in the Subject folder.

Table 2-29 Data elements in the Subject folder

Data element Description
SUBJECT_NUMBER The number currently assigned to the subject in the system as identifier.
SUBJECT_STATE A subject's state.
PREVIOUS_SUBJECT_NUMBER When a subject number change is applied, this field holds the number that was assigned to the subject before the change.

Event folder

This table describes the data elements included in the event folder.

Table 2-30 Data elements in the event folder

Data element Description
VISIT_IS_REQUIRED Indicates whether or not a visit is required.
IS_SCHEDULED_VISIT Indicates whether the visit is scheduled or not.
Displays the EVENT_TITLE (visit title) of the Scheduled From visit as defined in the Visit Schedule.


If a visit is not scheduled or it is the first visit in the schedule, then this element is populated with the visit’s own title. For example, Screening Visit is displayed for the Screening Visit, as it is the first visit in the schedule.
VISIT_STATUS Indicates a visit's status in the system.

Future visits are included with the status of 'SCHEDULED'. Dynamic and cycle visits will not be included until an event happens that causes their creation on the subject's schedule.

VISIT_START_DATE Date stamp of a visit's start date.
VISIT_TYPE Displays the type of visit: Screening, Randomization, Dispensation, Non-Dispensation, Optional, Withdrawal or Study Completion.
EVENT_TYPE Displays the type of event (visit started, visit completed).
PROJECTED_VISIT_START_DATE Date when the next scheduled dispensation should start in the study.
PROJECTED_VISIT_END_DATE Date when the next scheduled dispensation should end in the study.
PROJECTED_VISIT_DATE Date when the next scheduled dispensation should take place in the study.
DELAY_DAYS The number of days between the prior scheduled visit.
DELAY_HOURS The number of hours between the prior scheduled visit (in addition to the DELAY_DAYS field).
VISIT_WINDOW_BEFORE_DAYS Indicates how many days before the scheduled date and time the visit can occur, as entered by a study designer.
VISIT_WINDOW_BEFORE_HOURS Indicates how many hours before the scheduled date and time the visit can occur, as entered by a study designer.
VISIT_WINDOW_AFTER_DAYS Indicates how many days after the scheduled date and time the visit can occur.
VISIT_WINDOW_AFTER_HOURS Indicates how many hours after the scheduled date and time the visit can occur.
EVENT_TITLE The event's title, defined by the user when an event is created.

The event's reference name.

Displays a capitalized version of the (user entered) EVENT_TITLE with blank spaces removed. Oracle Clinical One Analytics generates this value, which is not displayed in the Oracle Clinical One Platform user interface.


This value does not change if the associated EVENT_TITLE is updated in a subsequent Study Version.
EVENT_ID_NAME The event's id as in Oracle Clinical One Platform.
VISIT_ORDER The order in which subject visits occur, as configured in the study design.
Displays the EVENT_REFNAME of the Scheduled From Visit as defined in the Visit Schedule.


If a visit is not scheduled or it is the first visit in the schedule, then this element is populated with the visit’s own refname. For example, SCREENINGVISIT is displayed for the Screening Visit, as it is the first visit in the schedule.

Form folder

This table describes the data elements included in the Event folder.

Table 2-31 Data elements in the Form folder

Data element Description
FORM_NAME The name of the form, as specified by the study designer.
IS_ROLLOVER Indicates whether the form contains a rollover type of question.
IS_REPEATING Indicates whether or not it is a repeating form.
FORM_STATUS Can be valid or invalid. Invalid form status indicates there are items within the form with a validation failure.
FORM_REFNAME A form's reference name.
Refers to the form instance number of all applicable form types with repeating data:
  • Two section forms: indicates the form instance number.
  • Lab forms: defaulted to a value of 1.
  • Repeating forms: this value will be null.

Item folder

This table describes the data elements included in the Item folder.

Table 2-32 Data elements in the Item folder

Data element Description
ITEM_NAME Indicates the title of the question, as entered by a study designer
VALIDATION_STATUS Indicates if a form item passed validation. For example, if the question was entered correctly and a rule was not broken.
VALUE The raw value of the form question value (can be an array in questions with decodes)
MEASURE_UNIT Indicates the measure of unit specified by a study designer for a Number type of question
NORMALIZED_VALUE Currently not populated
VALIDATION_FAILURE Reason for failure if validation status is failed or the rule validation failed
NUM_VALUE If the question type is a calculation, measurement, or number, this field is populated with that number
FLOAT_VALUE Item value without decimal places, if precision is provided in the study design
UTC_DATETIME_VALUE Indicates the date and time in UTC for a Date/Time type of question
MONTH_VALUE If the question type is Date/Time, this field is populated with the month value (1-12)
DAY_VALUE If the question type is Date/Time, this field is populated with the day value (1-31)
YEAR_VALUE If the question type is Date/Time, this field is populated with the year value (i.e. 2021)
HOUR_VALUE If the question type is Date/Time, this field is populated with the hour value (0-23)
MINUTE_VALUE If the question type is Date/Time, this field is populated with the minute value (0-59)
SECOND_VALUE If the question type is Date/Time, this field is populated with the second value (0-59)
ITEM_D Decoded raw value, with additional considerations according to data type. If the question has a code value, it is populated in this field.

For more details see Form item output mapping in data extracts.

ITEM_R The raw value: alphanumeric value as entered in Oracle Clinical One Platform with no conversions. This includes data entry flags.

For more details see Form item output mapping in data extracts.

ITEM_F The formatted value: value as entered in Oracle Clinical One Platform converted to the question data type as per form design.

For more details see Form item output mapping in data extracts.

ITEM_TYPE The form item's question type
QUESTION_TYPE Indicates the type of question as defined by a study designer.
QUESTION_HINT Indicates information that a study designer provided as a hint to help answer a question.
FORMITEM_IS_REQUIRED Indicates whether the question is required or not. Required questions must be answered in order to save the form that contains it.
READONLY Indicates that the question is marked as read-only by a study designer
SAS_VARIABLE Indicates the SAS Variable of a form defined by a study designer
SAS_LABEL Indicates the SAS Label of a form defined by a study designer
REFERENCE_CODE Indicates a question's reference code
HIDDEN Indicates whether a question is hidden or not, as marked by a study designer
FREEZE Indicates whether a question is frozen or not by a data manager or CRA

Indicates whether a question is verified or not by a CRA.

Data element can be populated with the following values:
  • VERIFIED: A question, form, or visit is verified.
  • UNVERIFIED: A question, form, or visit is not verified.
  • VERIFY_REQUIRED: A question, form, or visit requires verification and is not yet verified.
SIGNED Indicates whether a question is signed by a PI or not

Query (Required) folder

This table describes the data elements included in the Query (Required) folder.

Data element Description
STATE Indicates a query's status:
  • Opened
  • Answered
  • Closed
  • Candidate query
HAS_QUERY Indicates whether there is a query raised against a question or not, irrespective of the status.
ASSIGNED_ROLES Indicates the roles that are assigned to receive a query.
QUERYAGE Indicates the number of days passed since a query was first opened.
QUERY_COMMENT Indicates a comment associated with a query, as entered by the user who last modified the query.
IS_AUTO_QUERY Indicates whether this is an autommated query.
QUERY_TYPE Indicates the query type.

Audit folder

This table describes the data elements included in the Audit folder.

Table 2-33 Datat elements in the audit folder

Data element Description
VERSION_START Indicates the date and time of when the data was changed.
VERSION_END Indicates the date and time of when data was changed, if the data is not current.
OPERATION_TYPE Audit trail field that represents the type of operation performed (i.e. create, modify).
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Audit trail field that represents the version number of the data.
REASON Indicates a reason for changes in a subject's data. Populated by drop-down list.
COMMENTS Required comment in a reason for change if ‘Other’ is selected. Populated as Rule Execution for calculated values.

Audit trail field that represents the user who performed the action.

The value for this column may represent a user's actual username or a user's email address, depending on how the user login was defined in Oracle Life Sciences IAMS.

IS_CURRENT Audit trail field to display either current status or full audit trail of the data.
CURRENT_STUDY_ROLE_NAME Specifies of the role of the user who updated the given record. If the user's study role changes, this field will show the current study role of the given user.

Reference folder

This table describes data elements in the Reference folder.

Table 2-34 Data elements in the Reference folder

Data element Description
QUERY_WID A number that represents unique identifier of a query.
STATE_ID Numeric value that represents a query state.


A number that represents the unique identifier of the study.


A number that represents the unique identifier of a site.


Indicates a subject's numeric identifier.


A number that represents the unique identifier of an event.

EVENT_INSTANCE_NUM Indicates the unscheduled visit instance number as designed by the study designer.
FORM_WID A number that represents the unique identifier of a form.
Refers to the row instance number of all applicable form types with repeating data:
  • Two section forms: unique numeric identifier of the row in the repeating section.
  • Lab forms: unique numeric identifier of the row in the repeating section that captures lab tests and results.
  • Repeating forms: indicates the repeating form number.
ITEM_WID A number that represents the unique identifier of an item.


A number that represents an incremental increase every time a data point is modified.


Indicates a user's numeric identifier.


A timestamp that indicates when the data became available in the dataset.

SUBJECT_EVENTINST_FORMITEM_WID A number that represents the unique identifier of an item within a subject form associated with a specific visit instance.
SUBJECT_EVENT_INST_WID A number that represents the unique identifier of a subject event's instance.
PARENT_WID Currently not populated.
ROOT_WID Currently not populated.
SCHEDULED_FROM_EVENT_WID A number that represents the unique identifier of the previously scheduled event.
COUNT Represents the count of queries.


Numeric identifier of the role of the user who updated the given record. If the user study role changes, this field will show the current study role of the given user.