Add SAS properties to improve data analysis

Study designers can now include SAS variables and labels in forms to make data readily available for extraction and analysis.

What are the benefits?

SAS variables and labels are displayed in data extracts and play an important role in statistical analysis. By adding SAS properties to questions in a form, study designers ensure data is easy to review and analyze, according to the industry's standards.

Want to know more about data extracts? See Augment data collection processes with data extracts.

Details for study designers

When you add a question in a form, two new fields appear on the Advanced pane: SAS Variable and SAS Label.

Both fields are required and completed by default with the question's Reference Code and the question's label, respectively. While you're designing a study, you can modify these labels.

Already working in a live study?

As soon as the upgrade for this release is complete, study designers can start adding SAS properties to forms while working on a study version in Draft mode. In existing studies, SAS fields remain blank. In a future release, in studies with blank SAS fields, Data Extract will automatically use the question's Reference Code and Label as a SAS Variable and SAS Label, respectively.