New question types for a better form design

Study designers can now add questions with radio buttons and checkboxes to their forms to better define how data is collected.

What are the benefits?

By including checkboxes and radio buttons in the forms, study designers allow site users to expand or restrict the quantity of data collected for each subject. For instance, by using checkboxes for the Race question the study designer allows site users to select one or more answers from the available options: "American Indian and Alaska Native", "Asian", "Black or African American", "Hispanic or Latino", "Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander", and "White". Moreover, by using radio buttons for the Gender question, the study designer restricts the answer choices to just one option: "Male" or "Female".

With these new question types included in forms, study designers can allow site users to collect data more efficiently.

Details for study designers

When you add a question in a form, in the Add question drop-down, two new options appear for Checkboxes and Radio buttons.

Checkboxes allow site users to select one or more answers for one single question, while radio buttons restrict the options to only one answer.

Figure 18-27 Checkboxes and Radio buttons now appear in the Add Question drop-down

Checkboxes and Radio buttons now appear in the Add Question drop-down

Details for site users

Your workflow doesn't change. However, you need to be aware that from now on, for questions that have a checkbox answer type you can select one or more options, while for questions that include radio buttons only one answer can be selected.

Figure 18-28 How site users see checkboxes and radio buttons questions

Checkboxes and radio buttons are new answer types that can be selected

Already working in a live study?

As soon as the upgrade for this release is complete, study designers can start adding questions with checkboxes and radio buttons to the forms. After the study version is updated and live, site users can start collecting data using these new features.