Sites, labs, depots, settings, and user management

First site and depot address does not recognize Japanese characters

Site managers and clinical supply managers: Now, on both the Create Site and Create Depot dialogs, in the Address 1 field, when you enter a site's or depot's address written in Japanese characters, a validation error is no longer displayed and you can proceed with creating your site or depot in the application. Previously, when you entered an address written in Japanese characters, a validation error message was displayed. The error message stated that the address must contain at least one text character. (Issue 32582279)

Permission to edit classified sponsor data not working for a data manager (former known issue)

Data managers: Now, when you are assigned the permission to both view and edit certain types of data, classified fields in a form are displayed as editable. Previously, with the permission to both view and edit sponsor data, when you accessed a form that contained classified sponsor data, you may noticed that every field in the form was read-only, including fields that you should have been able to edit. This issue is now fixed with the introduction of two new permissions for viewing and editing classified data.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 32063773)