Customize DNS and DNC values

Clinical supply managers can now customize specific values for each country and specify the amount of time before kits from a lot can no longer leave the depot or be used in resupply strategies.

What are the benefits?

With this new feature, clinical supply managers can create a more precise resupply strategy for every study in their organization. With the newly introduced ability of customizing Do Not Ship (DNS) Days and Do Not Count (DNC) Days in the system, clinical supply managers can set these values differently for each country where their study operates. This way, they can set exceptions for certain countries with tougher regulations that may need more lead time to get through customs, for example.

Details for clinical supply managers

When it comes to this new feature, here is what's changed in your workflow:
  • On the Study Inventory tab, when you choose to create a blinded lot, the dialog displayed afterwards now has a Do Not Ship/ Do Not Count Settings section.
  • In the table underneath this new section, you must either configure the DNS and DNC Days for the default settings (all countries in your studies) or you can click the plus (+) icon and add a new row where you can define DNC and DNS Days for a specific country in your study.
  • Any default settings you define for all countries in a study are overriden by the settings you define for one or multiple specific countries.

Already working in a live study?

DNS and DNC values that you already specified for an existing blinded lot remain the same. As soon as the release upgrade is complete, you can specify DNS and DNC values at a country level for existing blinded lots in your study. This update can be performed in either Testing, Training, or Production mode.