Visit Date field must be manually completed

The system is now enhanced to no longer automatically set a visit's date to the current date, so site users must make sure they always complete the Visit Date field. This option is set based on the study settings configuration.

Now, based on study settings configuration, it is mandatory for a site user to enter a visit start date before saving the forms proceeding with the completion of the visit. The Visit Date field is no longer automatically completed, by default, with the current date and it cannot be left blank, otherwise it will mark the visit as Incomplete.

Previously, when left empty, the Visit Date field was automatically set to the current date, which wasn't always accurate. In turn, this may have caused confusion among users consulting the audit trail of this field.

Take for example a situation where a subject's lab results are collected before they begin their visit at a site. On 21 December 2020, a site user collects lab data in Visit A, but leaves the Visit Start Date field empty because the visit hasn't started yet. Two days later, on 23 December 2020, the same site user must begin the subject's visit to collect their vital signs and any other required data. When entering the lab data on 21 December 2020, the Visit Start Date field should be left empty, so a site user can complete it with the actual starting visit date, which is 23 December 2020. The field should not automatically default to 21 December 2020. Instead, a site user must enter that visit date themselves when they begin the visit. This way, in the audit trail, the field will appear as correctly updated by the respective user.

We recognize visit data is often entered after the visit has occurred, therefore, we have removed the dialog message that used to appear when data entry was performed outside the visit window.

Already working in a live study?

As a site user, as soon as the release is available, you will see the Visit Date field as an editable field that you can complete based on study settings configuration.