Allow depots to supply other depots

Clinical supply managers can now create depots that will supply other depots with kits throughout the study conduct period.

Details for user administrators and global user managers

Your workflow hasn't changed, but there are some new permissions that you need to be aware of. We recommend you add these new permissions to study roles created (or existing) at a study level. Assigning new permissions to an organization study role is allowed, but the updates are not reflected in study roles at a study level.

Permission Study role (predefined by Oracle)
Create Shipments to Depots
  • Clinical Supply Manager
  • Production Admin
  • Unblinded Depot User
Assign a Resupply Strategy to a Depot
  • Clinical Supply Manager
  • Production Admin
Receive New Shipments at the Depot
  • Clinical Supply Manager
  • Production Admin
  • Unblinded Depot User
Release Shipments from Quarantine
  • Clinical Supply Manager
  • Production Admin
Receive Notification of Depot Shipments
  • Clinical Supply Manager
  • Production Admin
  • Unblinded Depot User

Details for clinical supply managers

Here's what's changed in your workflow when it comes to creating a depot:
  • In the Create Depot dialog, when you specify the kit types that a depot can include in a shipment, you can also specify the supplying depot. In the new Supplying Depot column, you can select the depot that will be supplying the depot you are creating.
  • On the Depots tab, depots now have different corresponding columns including Depot Location, Contact, Supply Countries, and Resupply Strategy. In the Resupply Strategy column, you can choose to specify a resupply strategy for the supplying depot.
  • Use the new Create Resupply Group button to access the Create Min/Max Resupply Group dialog. In this new dialog, you can configure a new resupply group for the supplying depot by specifying whether the resupply strategy is for a site or a depot, and specifying the minimum and maximum buffer for each kit type. Resupply strategies that you create using this dialog are displayed in the Min/Max Resupply side panel on the Supply Settings tab.
  • In the Create Shipment dialog, you can specify the exact destination of a shipment, to a site or to a depot.
  • Whenever changes occur in the supply chain between two depots, you may receive several notifications, depending on the permissions that you have in the system. There is also a new notification called Depot Shipment, that you receive whenever a depot shipment is created.

Details for depot users

When it comes to your workflow, here's what's new:
  • On the Shipments tab, when you create a depot shipment, you can specify the destination depot and the source depot.
  • The receiving depot must confirm that they have received supplying shipments from another depot.
  • As with shipments for sites, a depot user can indicate if kits are missing or damaged in the depot order form. You can also indicate if a temperature excursion occurred and if the kits associated with the order should be quarantined.
  • You can mark kits as Pending Destruction in the inventory and then add them to a depot shipment for destruction.
  • On the Shipments tab, when you click Create Shipment, a second option is displayed called Shipment for Destruction. That shipment automatically includes all kits marked as Pending Destruction.
  • Every shipment now indicates its source and destination.

Already working in a live study?

As soon as the upgrade for this release is complete, you can create depot-to-depot shipments in your live study. Existing depots are not impacted by this new feature.