Oracle Clinical One Analytics

Improved dashboard response time when using the Subject Queries dataset

Now, when including Subject Queries Dataset elements, the Oracle Clinical One Analytics dashboard loads in a more acceptable time. Previously, users may have experienced a longer than acceptable load time.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 34084687)

Unexpected values displayed for a data element (former known issue)

The value NOT_APPLICABLE and NEVER_VERIFIED are no longer displayed for the FREEZE, VERIFIED, or SIGNED data elements in the following datasets:
  • The Queries dataset
  • The Subject Forms dataset
  • The Subject Form Items dataset
  • The Blinded Subject Events dataset
  • The Unblinded Subject Events dataset

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue 33815975)

Cannot export reports in a CSV format (former known issue)

Now, when attempting to export a report as CSV, columns are displayed as expected. Specifically, values in the Comments column are no longer displayed in different columns within the CSV report. Previously, values in the Comments column were not integrating new line characters and, as a result, values from that column may have appeared in a different column instead.

Retracted workaround: None. (Issue: 32976885)

The Suppress Repeating Values feature is now available

You can now turn the Suppress Repeating Values setting on and off for your datasets. When the setting is turned off, expected values are displayed for each row in the report and no table cells are merged. When the setting is turned on, certain cells of the table may be merged for data records that have the same value.

For example, if the value for the REPEAT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER is the same for all forms, then the cells in that column can be merged to display the same value for all forms in a study.

Workaround: None. (Issue 32797889)